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On the Erlenhof: Curly Horse with heights starting at 1,55m
It is our present and future goal to train and breed Curly Horse for different riding disciplines. Through our careful selection and prefe- rence we are able to breed Curlys of various builds.

We prefer to be specialized in the breeding of large Curly Horses.
Our goal is to breed large horses for people with horse allergies
and horse lovers by fulfilling their dream of riding.

All Curlies at Ranch Wolf that have been imported from Canada
and USA have a height between 1,55 - 1,60m. All horses are regi- stered with the "Bayerischen Zuchtverband für Kleinpferde und Spezialrasses e.V.” www.kleinpferde-und-spezialpferderassen.de .
A registration with the "American Baskir Curly Registry” (ABCR) www.abcregistry.org , the "International Curly Horse Organization”
(ICHO) www.curlyhorses.org and the "Curly Sporthorse Internati- onal” (CSI) www.curlysporthorse.org is present or can be obtained.