
The big ego belongs to our stallion
*Teoc’s Painted Levi

All mares belong to me

Our prize stallion Levi has a new home on our Ranch. He is now on a pasture with a six meter high inclination on which he proudly stands. The sight of him striding around his new home is so majestic that we could watch him all day. He observes the other pastures, especially keeping his eye on the mares carrying his succes- sors.

What we as Curly breeders can hardly wait for is this years more deliveries. The- se are the most wonderful and suspenseful moments on our Ranch. At the right time and the right place a healthy foal will grace us with its presence.

We started our adventure with seven Curly Horses. Our herd has since more than doubled as we now attend to nineteen horses. Daily new groups and friendships between compatible horses are built. The social atmosphere among the horses has improved immensely since there are various opportunities to find a comple- mentary partner or friend. In order to create a well balanced and healthy herd it is important to have a mix of young and old on each pasture. Through observa- tion of our horses we have been able to find the perfect mix for each pasture.

The new generation of *Levi

*GW April Stars shows a dominant side which she inherited from her dominant father *Levi. The double sided mane and long tail are the colors of proud mom *CCG Chocolate. *Aprils character can be compared to that of a dog since she is always following along!

To all Curly horse breeders

Curly horse breeder meeting of "Pferd Bodensee" ("Horse Bodensee")

Ladies and Gentleman,

I would like to thank you all dearly for the flourishing participation at the Curly horse breeder meeting in Freidrichshafen. The choice of the horse race speaker who had small breeding groups (less than 40 race specific breeders) occurred at the general meeting of the "Breeders Association for special horses races in Bay- ern e.V." as well as the announcement of the Hot Line was made. Sadly there were no Curly horse members at this meeting.

Since the importance of a breeding program for Curly horses is very important to us; and our breeders all show interest to have a meeting over this topic; we have decided to have another meeting. This meeting will take place on Friday February 22nd 2008. No new invitations will be sent out. Everyone whom showed interest in the race breeding of Curly horses will be informed by telephone by our coworker Mrs. Korn.

In Friedrichshafen we greeted six counting vote members - as well as seven guests. We are happy to say that with the attending guests we have won four new members for the race Curly horse whose vote will not count until next time. It was voted that Mrs. Wolf will be the new horse race speaker and Mrs. Kärcher her representative. We congratulate the nominees and look forward to working toge- ther as we are used to in as Curly Horse breeders.

Best regards,

Kirsten Buschfeld

Facial nerve paralysis

A long way

In the fall of last year we were shocked to find out that our premium stallion foal *Namaspamoos Canada an extreme croaked build of the face. The ideas to what could be wrong with him were endless. A virus causing facial paralysis was sug- gested, but was quickly ruled out through blood tests. For weeks we massaged his head following the guidelines from Linda Tellington Jones Massage along with B-Complex injections and special food. There was no improvement to be seen. Since we didn’t want *Canada’s fate to be decided for him we contacted many professionals including veterinarians, dentists, physical therapists, and osteo- paths. We wanted an accurate and correct diagnosis. It was thought that it was highly likely that *Canada had a break in his nasal cartilage.
We packed him along side his mother in the hanger and drove 300km to Augs- burg to the Specialist Clinic Gessertshausen. There *Canada was x-rayed and checked over from all angles. To our surprise no break was found just a facial nerve paralysis. The doctor gave us no hope regarding the treatment against this paralysis. We were not happy with this answer since we found it hard to believe that nothing could be done for our *Canada.

At the beginning of this year we came in contact with an Austrian neurologist Dr. Zohmann. He recommended for us to try electrotherapy along with acupuncture. Electrotherapy forces an improvement in blood flow though electro stimulus. Acupuncture is commonly known in human medical practices but this method of therapy has been integrated into the animal medical professions and is frequent- ly used for dogs, cats, horses and pigs. With acupuncture skinny needles out of steel are put on specific pressure points. The exact pressure points must be loca- ted in order to work on/out internal issues. Acupuncture is not an exotic wonder method, rather a well known and respected form of medical healing. Acupuncture is known as a regulations therapy which means that it can be repeated or used again if a problem occurs regularly.

Finally this painstakingly business was coming to an end. After roughly a month we noticed that our Curly *Canada’s eye became clear and he was able to open it. His mouth reached the necessary tone. We hope that this happens to no one, but if it does feel free to follow these recommended steps that were very bene- ficial to our *Canada.
We recommend the website www.vierbeiner-rehazentrum.de
From our own experience we recommend for you to work fast since the sooner you start with the therapy the better the chances for a successful recovery.

Before and after

Left: after six weeks of appointments here stands our foal in Augsburger Animal Clinic.
Right: photo after the acupuncture and electrotherapy treatments. We are very satisfied with *Canada’s improvements.

Enjoy the Curlys
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